about me

Name : Widyanasari Shelawaty
Nickname : Widy or iyang
Place,Date of Birth : Lebak,17 November 1992
Tribe : Sunda
Address     : Kp.Cibeas 
     RT/RW : 01/03
     Village   : Cidikit
     District   : Bayah
     District   : Lebak
     Province : Banten
Class : Corporation Information system A 09
Collage : UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Facebook Email : sikwidy@yahoo.co.id
Twitter : @widypriaga
Blogspot : widywidyana.blogspot.com
Yahoo : sia09_widy@yahoo.com
Hobbies : Volly ball, streets, and dancing
Favourite Food : fried chicken, Rendang and Soto
History of Education :  
      SD     : SD Negeri cidikit II
      SMP  : SMP Negeri 1 Bayah
      SMA  : Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Bayah
Physical Characteristics :
      Weight      : 45 kg
       skin color : Brown
       Height      : 160 cm
       Hair         : Straight and long

don’t forget and don’t be shy for visit to widy Note (my Blog) and one should not forget to give comment, Thank you.


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