Conflict of America Vs. Iran

the results of my response !!
Iran or Persia is a Middle Eastern country located in Southwest Asia. Iran is one of the founding members of the UN and the OIC and NAM epada. Iran is currently the object of conversation among many, especially after a conflict with a superpower, superpower, the U.S. hegemon of nuclear ownership.
Nuclear inspectors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in a secret report that has found new traces of plutonium and enriched uranium, both are potential materials maker warhead nuclear weapons in Iran.
The new trail they found in containers of nuclear waste storage site at Karaj, Iran. Nuclear monitoring agency of the United Nations (UN) can not be sure that Iran's nuclear program for peaceful purposes.
Iran's nuclear program actually started in 1959 when the Shah of Iran in power, with the purchase of research reactors to the United States. After the revolution of 1979, all nuclear activities are stopped and started again after the Iran-Iraq is complete. Iran became the state in favor of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in 1992. But in 2003 the IAEA in its report in June noted that Iran does not meet its obligations in accordance with the Safeguard Agreements, the IAEA mechanism to ensure that nuclear materials will be diverted to use to make nuclear weapons. Suspicions that Iran began developing nuclear weapons increasingly widespread.
In terms of the American conflict with Iran, particularly regarding the issue of Iran's nuclear program one of them is critic the United States where the United States focuses on the strengths and your opponent than Iran in possession of nuclear weapons and capabilities. Americans believe that Iran's ambition to use nuclear weapons to disrupt the peace and security of the United States, U.S. allies and alliances, as well as stability in the region. United States sees Iran's track record shows that problems of nuclear ownership, which is shown in which the eighteen-year history of Iran several times tried to hide its nuclear development program. United States sees Iran not give signs have made strategic decisions necessary to abandon the so-called active nuclear weapons program.
As a result of the embargo, starting with the rise in world oil prices. And Indonesia have an indirect effect of the war. As I know that the State of Iran and east Amid a global oil producer. With the oil embargo Caused suppky bernbagai State to increase of, one of Indonesia. Actual nuclear development is the development of science, for real. In the presence of nuclear development, will advance human knowledge. Starting from the source of energy to food technology.
However, any bias to be a nuclear threat when it used the wrong way. While the oil embargo by the United American is a great way to challenge indirectly the development of science. cause had been united merupaka iran science center and began to try to change it, then there is a variety of wars, threats by the United States.
America will continue to encourage a variety of sanctions for Iran and hope that Iran is really fulfilling its threat to close the Strait of Hormuz. Thus the Americans have reason to attack Iran which has been delayed several times due to weak excuse. On the basis of disruption of international interest, Americans expect to get international support.
Peace may be the best way, but the dispute for 32 years seems to be making Americans have run out of patience.

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Conflict of America Vs. Iran

Will be completed in the Strait of Hormuz?

In the last three months of the conflict between Iran and the United States et al into the new episodes that can lead toward open warfare. War will break out if Iran closed the Strait of Hormuz. Iran will close the Strait of Hormuz if the European Union to realize the financial sanctions and an embargo on Iranian oil exports in July. The EU will continue to impose sanctions (following the U.S. sanctions that currently apply) if Iran does not halt its nuclear program. And Iran has insisted it will not stop nuclear program for peaceful purposes according to him.
Since the revolution of the mullahs led by Ayatollah Khoemeni in 1979 that overthrew U.S. ally, Shah Reza Pahlavi, Iran has become the target of America. Occupation of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran by student activists on 4 November 1979 followed by 52 diplomats hostage for 444 days, an American and shameful event is reason enough to sever diplomatic relations on April 7, 1980. Furthermore, under the pretext of human rights and democratic America dropped the various embargo vigorous, intelligent operations and military operations.
 On 24 April 1980, the American military operation with the password "Operation Eagle Claw" as a preliminary attack on Iran. This ends the operation failed, eight members of the U.S. military were killed and several were arrested. The assault was stopped as a signatory to Algiers Accords in Algeria on January 19, 1981. A day later, both parties mutually release the captives.
On January 1984, President Ronald Reagan declared Iran as "a sponsor of international terrorism" and mobilizing the countries in the world for not cooperating with Iran. On October 19, 1987, the American attack on Iran with the password "Operation Nimble Archer" and failed. On 18 April 1988, America returned to the attack with the password "Operation Praying Mantis" by attacking Iran's military position in the Persian Gulf and sank an Iranian-owned ships Frigate.
On July 3, 1988, the U.S. Navy ship launched a missile from the cruiser USS Vincennes and Airbus A300B2 aircraft to destroy Iran's flying over the Strait of Hormuz. Scheduled commercial aircraft is destroyed, 290 civilians were killed from six nations including 66 children. USS Vincennes in the Persian Gulf as part of "Operation Earnest Will". To the United Nations, Iran filed the incident as a terrorist act by the state. American responded that it is as "unintentional incident."
On October 1992, the U.S. sets sanctions on Iraq and Iran suspicion of allegedly developing weapons of mass destruction (WMD). In 1994, Conoco (American oil company) signed a contract with Iran oil investment of U.S. $ 1 billion. Feeling cheated, in March 1995, the U.S. set a total embargo on all types of investment and trade.
In 1993, the U.S. issued a policy of "dual containment" by publishing Ilsa (Iran Libya Sanctions Act), which contains sanctions for companies outside the United States that invests in Iran and Libya worth over 40 million U.S. $ a year. In 1996, the policy of "dual containment" is focused on Iran, come a ISA (Iran Sanction Act) which is a tightening of sanctions before, giving sanction to any company from any country that invests more than U.S. $ 20 million per year in oil industry Iran.

Triggers Nuclear Dispute

In 2000, the U.S. and its allies began to question Iran's nuclear program that Iran replied to the question of Israel's nuclear program, which began in 1952 with the help of American and British. Iran's nuclear program actually began long before the Islamic Revolution, on June 1967 when the government of Shah Pahlevi for the support of the U.S. and Germany established the TNRC (Tehran Nuclear Research Center) and has a five megawatt nuclear reactor scale. The deteriorating condition of the domestic force to stop Iran's nuclear program as well as the termination of cooperation with Siemens of Germany.
On August 2001, President Bush signed a bill extended the life of the Ilsa into a formal law. On January 29, 2002, U.S. President George W. Bush called Iran with Iraq and North Korea as a rogue nation "Axis of evil". Bush tried to attack a third country. Plans to attack North Korea canceled, because Americans are not supported by its close allies (South Korea and Japan) and was strongly opposed by China. Americans turned to Iraq, Iran peering.
In 2002 Iran stop its cooperation with IAEA and banning all forms of supervision and inspection of Iran's nuclear program. Iran IAEA reasonable and honest work is a part of American and Israeli espionage.
After Saddam Hussein fell, in June 2005, the U.S. preparing to attack Iran. Preparation is done by taking a base in Azerbaijan. Despite allegations, the U.S. gets fierce resistance from the Iraqi fighters, plan raids into Iran also suspended. United then used to conduct terror group Jundullah and sabotage against Iran's interests. In this action, Jundullah managed to kill about 400 Iranian soldiers. Jundullah itself an Islamic militant group based in Waziristan, Pakistan, organized and funded by the United States. ABC (the American Broadcasting Company) on this subject by quoting The Washington Times on April 3, 2007.
Stepping on the year 2006, the U.S. managed to garner support for the UN to impose sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program. Since then at least five United Nations imposed sanctions crucial to Iran. Iran refused to obey the Iran nuclear sanctions on the grounds for the sake of peace in order to meet domestic electricity demand, not for military purposes as charged America and its allies.

To the UN sanctions Nuclear Program Related

Dated March 23, 2007, Iran seized 15 British Marines are trying to make incursions into Iranian territory. Britain and the United inflamed, in October 2007 the U.S. dropped sanctions against Bank Sepah, Bank Arian, Kargoshaee Bank, Bank Melli and Bank Saderat Iran as an effort to trade blockade. Tensions increased in January 2008, when the U.S. Navy and Iran have faced each other in the Strait of Hormuz. In June 2008, Iran blockading the Strait of Hormuz for five hours in response to the Israeli invasion plan.
On April 2009, America dropped back IRPSA sanctions (the Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act of 2009) which contains a threat to any person involved in Iran's oil refining industry. On June 18, 2009, Britain froze Iran's assets worth $ 1.59 billion. On 19 November 2009, the U.S. added sanctions include banning the sale IRPSA oil and gas exploration equipment to Iran, either by the state, enterprises and individuals. On July 26, 2010, the EU endorsed sanctions to restrict the activities of oil and gas investment in efforts to limit Iran's natural gas production.
On November 2011, the IAEA issued a report on Iran's nuclear program, the progress of Iran's nuclear program has reached the stage of the ability to make nuclear warheads for missiles. Asked Iran to stop its nuclear program or will be imposed an embargo on Iranian oil exports.

Failed Embargo, U.S. Prepare War

Various economic war being waged America and its allies since 1980 until today, not many reaping the rewards. Also with the latest sanctions are expected to make a variety of countries decided to trade relations with Iran. On January 26, 2012, India still bring in oil from Iran who is a supplier of 12 percent of its crude needs India. India to pay for this transaction in the currency of rupees which can then be used by Iran to pay for imports from India. Earlier India used U.S. $ to pay for Iranian oil. On February 3, 2012, China also sent two supertankers to carry around two million barrels of crude oil from Iran to the Khark Island, China. Two other ships, Davar and Hoda, also has been in the Iranian oil terminal to transport 2.4 million metric tons of crude oil to China.
Thirty-two years of living in Iran embargo did not make the weak. Similarly, for 32 years in the threat of war does not make Iran shriveled balls. But now, after looking at the military title of both parties, this is just hard to believe that in order "deterence". Chief Editor of the Russian National Defense magazine, Igor Korotchenko, predicted that war was imminent between the United States and Iran. America will continue to encourage a variety of sanctions for Iran and hope that Iran is really fulfilling its threat to close the Strait of Hormuz. Thus the Americans have reason to attack Iran which has been delayed several times due to weak excuse. On the basis of disruption of international interest, Americans expect to get international support.

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Introduction Knowledge Management (KM)

Chapter 1

1.1    WHAT IS KM?
1.      Davenport,T (1994) offered the following: “knowledge management is the process of capturing, distributing, and effectively using knowledge”
2.   Duhon, 1998 : “A discipline that promotes an integrated approach to identifying, capturing, evaluating, retrieving, and sharing all of an enterprise’s information assets. These assets may include databases, documents, policies, procedures, and previously uncaptured expertise and experience in individual workers”.
3.   The third definition by McInerney, C. [2002] is that “KM is an effort to increase useful knowledge within the organization.Ways to do this include encouraging communication, offering opportunities to learn, and promoting the sharing of appropriate knowledge objects or artifacts.”

The appearance of the term “Knowledge Management” is a rather recent phenomenon. It appeared operationally only in the mid-1990s. The earliest print reference appears to have been used first in the context of library and information work. Marchand, D. [1985], then Dean of the School of Information Studies at Syracuse University, coined it in the 1980s as a descriptor for the final level in his stage hypothesis of information systems development [Koenig,M., 1992a]. However, the term, as presently used, appears to have been re-coined more or less anonymously somewhere among the major accountancy and consulting firms. The earliest reports seem to be from McKinsey & Co. Brook Manville, the first Director of Knowledge Management at McKinsey, reports that McKinsey launched an internal study whose title included the phrase Knowledge Management in 1987 (Manville, personal communication toMEDK, 2007). Larry Prusak, one of the acknowledged pioneers of the field, in a very corroborative communication, reports that Ernst & Young started using the term in 1992, and that McKinsey & Co. was using it “a bit earlier – about 1988?” (Prusak, personal communication to MEDK, 2007). Note that the early definition of KM cited above by Davenport (1994) stems from his work at Ernst & Young.

1.     “By the Internet out of Intellectual Capital” : Information Technology, Intellectual Capital, The Internet (including intranets, extranets, etc.) and Key Phrases: “best practices,” later replaced by the more politic “lessons learned

2.       Human and cultural dimensions, the HR, Human Relations stage : Communities of Practice, Organizational Culture,The Learning Organization (Senge), and Tacit Knowledge (Nonaka) incorporated into KM, Key Phrase: “communities of practice”.

3.      Content and Retrievability : Structuring content and assigning descriptors (index terms), Key Phrases: “ content management” and “taxonomies

4.       Access to External Information :  Emphases upon External Information and the recognition of the Importance of Context, Key Terms: “context” and “extranet


KM may also be displayed and to a degree defined graphically through mapping. The following

presents an expanded form of a graphic used by IBM in their KM consultancy to explain the value and purpose of KM.

KM-The New Business Potpourri or not Seeing the Forest for theTrees
What is that fundamentally important difference?

Think of all the management fads and enthusiasms of the late 20th century, 1975 – 2000.What is striking is how many of those management fads, enthusiasms, and topics are highly related with the management of information, knowledge flow in organizations or the management of information technology (IT). Below are some list of those management fads, enthusiasms, and topics that meet those criteria :  Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Supply Chain Management (SCM),Customer Relationship Management (CRM),Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP),Knowledge Management (KM),Intellectual Capital (IC),E-business,DataWarehousing / Data Mining,Core Competencies.

Meta-Research, or KMis the Extension of the SuccessfulR&DEnvironment
A final way to view KMis to observeKMas the movement to replicate the information environment known to be conducive to successfulR&D- rich, deep, and opencommunication and information access - and deploy it broadly across the firm. The principles and practices of KM have developed in a very conducive environment, given that in this post-industrial information age, an increasingly larger proportion of the population consists of information workers.

C H A PT E R 2
Background Bibliographic

One measure of the influence of a discipline is to track the “formal communications” or published works in that discipline. Ponzi observed that “knowledge management is one emerging discipline that remains strong and does not appear to be fading”. The authors have continued that tracking of the KM literature time series (Figure 2.1 below) through the 2009 literature. The KM business literature continues to grow.
Below (Figure 2.2) are the literature growth patterns of three of those major business enthusiasms. The difference is dramatic. Quality Circles, Business Process Engineering, and Total Quality Management all show an almostm identical pattern of approximately five years of dramatic, exponential, growth, then they peak and fall off to near nothing almost as quickly. KM, by contrast, has that same period of five years of exponential growth, 1994 to 1999, but in the decade since it has not declined, rather it has continued to grow steadily and consistently. All the hallmarks are here of a rather permanent development.

Figure 2.2: Literature graphs for “Quality Circles,” “TotalQuality Management,” and “Business Process
See Figure 2.3 below for the publication pattern. In general, the number of dissertations focusing on some aspect of knowledge management rises gradually until 2006 and has remained steady with about 100 theses produced each year in English with, however, a decline in 2008 and 2009.
Figure 2.3: Doctoral Dissertations and Masters Theses written with ‘Knowledge Management’ in the
Title, Abstract or KeyWord Fields 1996–2009.

C H A PT E R 3
Theorizing Knowledge in

Through the resource perspective, organizations view knowledge as a fundamental resource in addition to the traditional resources of land, labor, and capital. It is held that the knowledge that the firm possesses is a source of sustainable competitive advantage, and is, accordingly, regarded as a strategic resource of the firm in need of management attention. On the other hand, through the process view, organizations are thought of as information processing and knowledge generating systems [Grant, R., 1996]. Baumard, P. [1999] proposes looking at knowledge in organizations along two dimensions: tacit-explicit versus individual-collective. He defines four quadrants in which knowledge types are situated: tacit-individual (intuitiveness), tacit-collective (social practice), explicit-individual (expertise), and, explicit-collective (rules). Grounding the use of the quadrants in observations of exemplar case-study organizations, Baumard suggests that the creation of organizational knowledge can be tracked by locating actors’ responses (knowing) within the appropriate quadrants of the matrix.

While knowledge itself may be perceived as a resource, its creation occurs through human interactions, whether physical or virtual. For example, for knowledge to emerge from within a group, interactions that occur among its members shape the knowledge that emerges from the mutual engagement and participation of the group members. Nonaka and Takeuchi are the most prominent theorists in the knowledge management domain. Their SECI (Socialization, Externalization, Combination, Internalization) model posits a spiral-type process in which knowledge goes from within a person’s own knowledge store to a more explicit state that can be shared socially with others.

Instead of examining knowledge per se, Blackler, F. [1995] and others propose that attention should focus on systems through which knowing and doing are achieved. By suggesting an alternative stance of knowing as mediated, situated, provisional, pragmatic, and contested, as opposed to a more classic viewof knowledge as embodied, embrained, encultured, and encoded, Blackler recognizes that knowledge permeates activity systems within the organization. Building on Engeström, Y. [1999] general model of socially distributed activity systems, Blackler, F. [1995] proposes that knowledge can be observed as emerging out of the tensions that arise within an organization’s activity systems, that is, among individuals and their communities, their environment (rules and regulations), and the instruments and resources that mediate their activities.

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Traditional Arts Indonesia Endangered

The fate of art, traditional art in a number of areas like kerakap grow in stone, life would not hesitate to die. There is a traditional art which is rarely performed and endangered species. Revitalization of traditional arts that was terkendana funding. However, for the area concerned, the traditional arts alive and growing in line with progress of time.


Cultural Stage II of West Irian Jaya in Monokwari, Tuesday (6/2), showing the dance of Sorong regency Imekko tribe, who describe their daily livelihood of hunting and farming.

in West Sumatra many endangered traditional arts, because there is no regeneration, rarely performed, and also because most perpetrators of the elderly and dying. This condition is worrisome. Cultural Park as a technical unit of the Department of Culture and Tourism, has no budget for research, development, and revitalization. First, it is the responsibility of the Cultural Park, but not now, traditional arts in West Sumatra's endangered species include Talempong Ungan, Gandai, and Squirrel bunch. If the first Cultural Park is conditioned as a laboratory, documentation, and storefronts to maintain the resilience of culture, then in the present reign, the Cultural Park only as a showcase of culture,

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